Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Can you drop 10lbs and lower your cholesterol in two days? Please advise.

Apparently I hate myself. There's one Ginny that does something and the other that's like woah Ginny, why the hell did you go and do that? So what did other Ginny do this time? Other Ginny scheduled her physical for the Thursday after Thanksgiving. GOOD ONE. I swear I'm like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde minus the being a doctor and beating someone to death with a cane. I did look like this when I made the appointment though.

Can you drop 10lbs and lower your cholesterol in two days? I'm eating Jesus bread for breakfast. Sprouted grains! have you heard of those? They're supposed to be good for you. I'm doing this so I can tell my doctor that I'm trying. I'm eating semi bland bread that has no flour in it for the love of God that has to count for something.

I'm going to take a guess this will not end well but I'm totally blaming other Ginny who ate a double cheese burger and fries last night. How dare she!


  1. Cut back drastically or eliminate sugar, never ever drink soda, carbs are not your friend cut back on pasta and bread drastically. Protein is good, do not fear fat. Sugar and carbs which turn to sugar make you hungry, protein and fat satiates. Google "A calorie is not a calorie." Follow his lead and you will lose ten pounds and lower your cholesterol. It might take four months though.

    Schedule a Dr. apt after Thanksgiving. What were you thinking?

    1. I don't eat a lot of sugar but I do love carbs and beer. I never drink soda. I've been reading up how carbs and sugar are really bad for cholesterol. I'm trying but it sucks! That's why I switched to the Ezekiel bread because it's low carb and low sugar.

  2. You know how you're not supposed to wear white after Labor Day? I think the same is true for scheduling checkups. Never in winter. It's the sit-around-and-eat-comfort-foods season.

  3. Judging from that photo, you should also schedule a dentist appointment. Or maybe the orthodontist.

  4. I just admire you going for a physical. I've recently lost 7 pounds by lowering my carbs but increasing my sugar. It's the carbs that are the killer for me. I never drink soda though.
