Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Glad I could be your elementary crush

Christmas is done. Faces were stuffed and drinks were drank. Derek and I had a nice hotel stay at the Omni Parker following Christmas. I'm just glad to be done trying to figure out what to buy everyone. Derek and I stay a night at the Omni Parker rather than exchange gifts. If we want or need something we just buy it for ourselves. I did get him a new winter hat but that's because he needed one when his other hat mysteriously disappeared. 

I wish Christmas was "magical" still. As a kid it was the most exciting time of the year. School vacation! Cookies! And of course PRESENTS. I despise Christmas music but I do appreciate a good Christmas tree and I'm not going to say no to Christmas ham and cookies. So I guess I'm not a total Grinch.

A funny thing happened on Christmas night. A guy I went to elementary school with facebook chatted me that I was his elementary school crush. I was home at this point, just relaxing on the couch and certainly not expecting anything like this. I had a good laugh about it. A) I had no idea and B) I was so awkward in elementary school. I mean does anyone think they're weren't awkward in sixth grade? I thanked him for letting me know. What else can I say really? He then told me he had been drinking.

I literally have never talked to this guy on Facebook despite being Facebook friends. I guess he got the old liquid courage.

Sorry my elementary school friend by I'm a taken woman.

Don't give me a pen when I've had a few drinks....


  1. Similar for me, I received a message from a high school friend who said he wanted to crush me.

  2. Ha, that's pretty funny. Seems like we were all pretty bold in elementary school, before rejections. The boys I had crushes on all knew it!(I think) I can't imagine fessing up on facebook now.

    Merry Christmas, Ginny!

  3. Aw, that's sweet! Yes, I was definitely super-awkward in 6th grade. (And 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th. Finally got my act together in grade 9, thank goodness.)
