Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Listen to the fortune cookie

Patience is a virtue that does not come easily for me. When I'm waiting for something to happen I become anxious and focus all my thoughts on waiting. In the mean time life keeps happening around me and I feel like I can't continue until what I'm waiting for happens. Sounds fun right?

Last week when I was waiting for test results I was consumed by the waiting. I was eating Chinese food and opened up a fortune cookie. My "learn Chinese" word was dĕng - to wait. Even my cookie was telling my to calm down. I saved the fortune and taped it to my computer at work. Sometimes the universe is good at giving you just the little nudge you needed.


  1. I love when things like that happen.
    Over two years ago before my boyfriend and I were leaving to go to separate colleges hours apart, we both got the same fortune in our fortune cookies that said something about good hopes for the future.
