Thursday, May 15, 2014

I am the mommy blogger

I am the mommy blogger
Have you heard of me before
Did you see me on instagram
Mopping my self-installed floor
My children are perfect
And let's not forget about dad
He brings me roses and page hits
And never gets mad
I am the mommy blogger
Haven't you heard
Click on this sponsored link
I've got money to earn 

I told Melissa I wrote a poem about mommy bloggers and she wanted to see it so here it is. I do not feel this way about all mommy bloggers and there are some that I like and respect very much.


  1. ha ha I probably could! Oh the fashion bloggers one just has so much material.

  2. Haha! I love it. I also second Allie's request for more poems about niche bloggers!

    1. well then maybe I will. Look out fashion bloggers, I'm coming for ya.
