Saturday, June 21, 2014

Highball lounge and a View-Master

I had plans to go to Maine this weekend but I had to stay in Boston to be nearby for my family. All I'll say is cancer sucks.

Derek and I went out for dinner at Beantown Pub and then met up with some friends for drinks. We ended up at the Highball Lounge which I believe is fairly new. The drinks were good and there were games to play. I haven't played Jenga in years. We had a good time and it was nice to take my mind of things. My back has been tense for days probably due to stress.

I couldn't remember what that name of the toy is that I'm holding in the last picture. Apparently it's called a View-Master. I remember having one as a kid with Howard the Duck slides. That was a very weird movie. I really want a View-Master again.

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