Sunday, March 22, 2015

My ring is cursed

I received a ring as a gift a few years ago but I've only worn the ring a few times. I haven't worn it much because every time I wear it bad things happen. Yesterday I decided I was being silly and so I put the ring on before Derek and I went out to dinner. We get on the T and once we get underground our train stops moving. Apparently there was a switch problem at another station so there was "a bit of traffic ahead". We were stuck underground for 40 minutes. We decided to abandon our original plan and just get off at the next stop. 

Once we were off the train we tried to find a place to eat. Every place we tried was packed because of March Madness basketball. Just great! After wandering around for way too long we decided to just go to UNOs. Thankfully it was not packed. While eating I told Derek that I think I should take off the cursed ring. So I did and put it in my purse. 

After dinner we sat at the bar to have a few drinks. Derek and I are just sitting there talking and suddenly the guy sitting next to me falls out of his chair onto the floor and starts having a seizure. He hit his head pretty bad and there was blood everywhere. EMTs came to take him to the hospital.

So if anyone wants to buy a cursed ring off of me I have one for sale. Otherwise I'm going to bury it somewhere far away.


  1. Don't you have at least one enemy who has a birthday coming up?

    1. ooh good plan. Here's a lovely ring for you......

  2. I was gonna say "burn it!", but I think I like Joeh's idea better.

  3. Don't even THINK about bringing that to the swap.

  4. Wow, that all sounds frightening! Must get rid of! ASAP.

    1. now I'm trying to figure out the best way to dispose of it.
