Tuesday, August 22, 2017

How to ride public transit without being a jerk

With the college students returning to Boston very soon I thought I'd post a how to reminder on using public transit.

Wait for the passengers exiting to get off. You think this would be common sense but all too often I see people trying to shove their way on while passengers are trying to get off. It slows everything down so please wait the extra few seconds for people to finish getting off the train or bus.

Move to the back. People love to hover by the doors when there's room in the rear. MOVE BACK. I always manage to make it to the doors for my stop and so will you.

If it's full, wait. I know it sucks when it's rush hour and the train is completely full but trying to push your way in and waiting in the open door so the train can't move slows down the entire system. Step back and wait for the next one.

Ditch the giant stroller. I know parents need to take public transit too but do you really need the largest stroller you can find? Not only does it take up massive amounts of space but it's really awkward to get on and off public transit with. I'm not a parent but I would want something smaller and lighter that's easier to maneuver.

Don't argue with the operator. You're not going to win and the train/bus is not going to move until the operator decides it's going to move.

Give up your seat to people who need it. Don't pretend you don't see that elderly man with the cane get on the train. Offer your seat to those who need it if you don't.

And please don't forget the deodorant! Public transit is fragrant enough.


  1. YES. Also, don't listen to music, or a video or whatever, without headphones. And if you do use headphones, make sure it's not so loud that everyone can hear it.

    Another thing that drives me nuts- don't stand in front of an empty seat and then give me a dirty look when I go to sit in it. You have the right not to sit there if you don't want to, but don't infringe upon MY right to take the seat you didn't want.

  2. "Ditch the giant stroller." And if at all possible wait until after rush hour...I have a feeling many of these people are not on a tight schedule.

    1. There is literally no room for strollers during rush hour. There's barely room for a person. I always try to avoid waiting by strollers on the platform.
