Monday, January 15, 2018

Books and sharks

After Saturday's city and bar hopping Sunday was decidedly more low key. I spent the day reading and watching Netflix. I've read three books since January 1st so I'm well on my way to my goal of reading 30 books in 2018. In between my reading I watched 47 Meters Down on Netflix.

There is no way I would ever get into a cage to swim with sharks and scuba diving also freaks me out. Relying on a tank for air when you're deep underwater would make me feel claustrophobic. You can imagine my blood pressure during this movie. I'll stick to hotel pools and staying on the beach thank you very much.

Besides my reading goal of 30 books I've also decided to blog more in 2018. I was going to be really ambitious and attempt to blog every day but realistically I know that's not going to happen. I think I'll aim for a solid 3 days a week and see how it goes.


  1. You've already read three books this year?! I'm working on the first one.
    I'd never heard of 47 meters down, so had to go watch the trailer. HELL to the NO!

  2. And I meant to mention that I'm looking forward to you blogging more, but I'm still freaked out by just watching the trailer for that movie.
