Friday, September 8, 2017

Clestial Seasonings Vanilla Rooibos Tea. What can't it do?

If you know me at all you know I judge a drink by it's cover. If I see a bottle of wine with a fun or weird label, I'm going to buy it. Every time I go down the tea isle at the supermarket I'm always drawn to the Celestial Seasonings boxes. Animals drinking tea like humans in various settings? I'll buy it! I was looking for a new decaf tea to try since my body hates me and won't let me have caffeine and I came across a very regal tiger enjoying a nice cuppa. I'd never heard of rooibos tea but I was willing to give it a try. If it's good enough for a cartoon tiger on safari, it's good enough for me.

I'm totally hooked on this tea and that's ok because it won't keep me up at night and might possibly make me Benajmin Button with it's anti aging properties. I'm a cream and sugar in my tea kind of girl but I use nothing with this tea. It doesn't need it. The vanilla adds a nice sweetness.

Here are some of the health benefits of red rooibos tea:

  • reduces blood pressure
  • treats allergies
  • eases headaches
  • antispasmodic properties
  • helps with insomnia
  • prevents kidney stones
  • prevents aging
  • improves skin
  • rich in minerals

I should be bathing in this stuff.

Price: $3.39 for a box of 20 at Celestial


  1. The Celestial Seasonings plant is not far from me, and I've heard the tours are great fun, but I've never been. They have SO many varieties, and I honestly don't really like the fruity ones. Might have to try me some Rooibos and become Benjamin Button too.

    1. I didn't know they did tours. The rooibos is not fruity. I don't really like fruit flavored tea either.
